Weijie Li bio photo


This is for study and training for class Bioinformatics in Action 2024, Tsinghua University

Getting started

4 steps of bioinformatics



Top 5 questions in Science 2005

  1. what is the universe made of ?
  2. what is the biological basis of consciousness?
  3. why do humans have so few genes?
  4. to what extent are genetic variation and personal health linked?
  5. can the laws of physics be unified?

Top 3 philosophy questions

  • what is life
  • what is mind
  • how universe works



  • Fluorescences
  • Locations
  • 3D structures
  • docking


  • DNA-seq

  • RNA-seq

  • Epigenetics

    • DNAase
    • Methylation
    • Histone modifications: ChIP-seq
  • Interaction

    • Protein-DNA: ChIP-seq
    • Protein-RNA: CLIP-seq
    • DNA-RNA: Grid-seq


two keys: Data Clean & Feature Extraction



  • Math
    • Eg: $y=w_0+\sum_{i=1}^{N}w_ix_i$
  • physics
    • Eg: thermo dynamics

Model VS Algorithm

  purpose Method
Model transform real problem into math Math and physics
Algorithm translate math into computer logic elegantly Logic

The Fourth Paradigm

截屏2024-09-19 13.24.58

Study Schedule

Date Class My Own
week 1-4 Basic Linux, Blast Get familiar with docker, linux and R
week 5-9 NGS Data analysis Strictly following the class
week 10 Machine Learning & AI review python and strictly following the class
week 11-16 SCS analysis follow the class while fulfilling the extra tasks

Lecture 1

From Central dogma to bioinformatics

1D Study of DNA: How to Predict Genes from Raw Sequence?

A simple model

  • given a stretch of genomic sequence
  • preditc exons and introns

HMM(hidden Markov Model): Voice Recognition–>DNA Gene Finder: Grammars


2D study of RNA: Prediction of RNA Second Structure

language of RNA: base pair

  • Trans-pairs
    • Interaction of 2 RNAs
  • Cis-pairs
    • Folding of 1 RNA

SCFG(stochastic context-free grammar): RNA 2^nd^ structure prediction


  • intron 被splicesome剪成lariat(套索)

3D study of protein: Preditcion 3D structure of Protein from sequence

Transformer(Large language model): Chat-GPT–>protein 3D structure


4D study of Precision Medicine: Early Cancer Screening

  • 多组学多模态数据整合
