This is for study and training for class Bioinformatics in Action 2024, Tsinghua University
Getting started
4 steps of bioinformatics
Top 5 questions in Science 2005
- what is the universe made of ?
- what is the biological basis of consciousness?
- why do humans have so few genes?
- to what extent are genetic variation and personal health linked?
- can the laws of physics be unified?
Top 3 philosophy questions
- what is life
- what is mind
- how universe works
- Fluorescences
- Locations
- 3D structures
- docking
- DNAase
- Methylation
- Histone modifications: ChIP-seq
- Protein-DNA: ChIP-seq
- Protein-RNA: CLIP-seq
- DNA-RNA: Grid-seq
two keys: Data Clean & Feature Extraction
- Math
- Eg: $y=w_0+\sum_{i=1}^{N}w_ix_i$
- physics
- Eg: thermo dynamics
- …
Model VS Algorithm
purpose | Method | |
Model | transform real problem into math | Math and physics |
Algorithm | translate math into computer logic elegantly | Logic |
The Fourth Paradigm
Study Schedule
Date | Class | My Own |
week 1-4 | Basic Linux, Blast | Get familiar with docker, linux and R |
week 5-9 | NGS Data analysis | Strictly following the class |
week 10 | Machine Learning & AI | review python and strictly following the class |
week 11-16 | SCS analysis | follow the class while fulfilling the extra tasks |
Lecture 1
From Central dogma to bioinformatics
1D Study of DNA: How to Predict Genes from Raw Sequence?
A simple model
- given a stretch of genomic sequence
- preditc exons and introns
HMM(hidden Markov Model): Voice Recognition–>DNA Gene Finder: Grammars
2D study of RNA: Prediction of RNA Second Structure
language of RNA: base pair
- Trans-pairs
- Interaction of 2 RNAs
- Cis-pairs
- Folding of 1 RNA
SCFG(stochastic context-free grammar): RNA 2^nd^ structure prediction
- intron 被splicesome剪成lariat(套索)
3D study of protein: Preditcion 3D structure of Protein from sequence
Transformer(Large language model): Chat-GPT–>protein 3D structure
4D study of Precision Medicine: Early Cancer Screening